Bike Clinics
Free Clinics
We offer free, single-evening clinics on topics relevant to all riders at Pedals & Petals. These sessions will last 1.5-2 hours and attendees may want to bring a notebook. Come to one or collect them all. Registration isn't necessary, but feel free to call the shop at 315-357-3281 or check back here on the day of the class to confirm the time.
Field Repair Clinic
Sometimes your ride can be unexpectedly interrupted by more than just a simple flat tire. Bicycles have alot of moving parts that can be vulnerable to their surroundings. Derailleurs get caught on sticks, potholes come out of nowhere, and don't forget about the stray dog (or other riders) who dart out in front of you! Knowing how to make simple repairs may be the diffference between riding and walking home.
This Clinic will arm you with the knowledge to diagnose minor probblems and get you back on your bike! The clinic will be mostly classroom style but you'll have opportunities for hands-on experience too. We encourage you to attend becouse the ride you save may be your own.
Women's Only Basic Maintenance Clinic
With a little regular maintenance, your bike will last you a very long time! In this clinic we'll discuss regular maintenance that you can do to your bike, as well as suggestions for things to do routinely to keep your bike running well. We'll also discuss areas of the bike that will experience normal wear and tear, and what the life expectancy of these parts might be. This is a quick clinic that might save you lots of time in the future!
Don't get stranded out there! Join us for our FREE Women's Only Clinic held right here at Pedals & Petals. Learn about repairing and maintaining your bike to ensure a safe riding experience. This clinic is hands-on and require a lot of personal interaction from the instructors. Please RSVP to the clinic. The clinic covers the basics needed -- if you're looking for something more in-depth try one of our other clinics.
No need to bring your own bike, you'll get plenty of exposure to a wide variety of equipment.
Flat Tire Clinic
Repairing a flat is easy to do, but it is amazing how many riders have never actually fixed a flat for themselves. It's only a matter of time before it happens to you, so come in and let us show you how.
Our flat tire clinic will teach you everything you need to know about changing and patching a flat tire. The clinic includes both classroom instruction and hands-on practice! You'll learn about flat resistant tires, quick release operation, brake release operation, tools needed and appropriate tire pressure.
Basic Maintenance Clinic
With a little regular maintenance, your bike will last you a very long time! In this clinic we'll discuss regular maintenance that you can do to your bike, as well as suggestions for things to do routinely to keep your bike running well. We'll also discuss areas of the bike that will experience normal wear and tear, and what the life expectancy of these parts might be. This is a quick clinic that might save you lots of time in the future!